Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cleaning Sabbatical - Day Three

I'm losing steam. To say that I "worked" in the living room is to stretch the definition of "work." I moved dirty mugs to the dish washer. I threw socks into the laundry. There were a few Christmas decorations that I think Mike was hoping would become permanent decorative fixtures. I put them away, as I did with a few straggling holiday CD's that were sitting out. I made a half-hearted pass with a Swiffer duster and ran the vacuum cleaner.

In short, I redd up the room. Still, these efforts made a more visible impact than the work I did yesterday in the bedroom.

There was one achievement, however. Tucked between "my" side of the couch and the wall are my knitting tools and works in progress. I pulled all that out of there and sorted it. When it was all untangled, I found three projects (a pair of socks, a scarf, and a toy) about 80% done.


micah said...

dude! You are out of controll with this cleaning. Stop. This can't be healthy.

Anonymous said...

As a western Pa. native, I must correct you on your poor grammar - you in fact "redded up" the room.

yarmando said...

I wondered about that. In my family, it gets inflected: "I ridd up the room."

Michael said...

Listen to Micah!!

yarmando said...

Right. "Listen to Micah." And now you all know the real reason that we live in a "whorehouse in distress."